Tuesday, January 29, 2013

MCA total Security Motor Club

The Excuse Killer Motor club

Your Not the Only one Struggling or Looking for Extra Income 

*Don't be a SLAVE ANYMORE*
Being Broke= A temporary situation that came from your previous action or previous decision.

Being Poor = A mental illness inherited from people with poor beliefs most likely you’re parents/guardians. Aka. Mind Slavery!

Here are 4 other forms of Slavery you’re most likely apart of:

Time Slavery = Your time is being dictated more than 60% of the time by a person, place, or a thing. You may have flexibility but its not freedom!

Debt Slavery= Everyone is born as a creditor but a clone debtor is created as well. This is an artificial identity used for the government and banking systems. This is why your State ID and an numerous amount of other things are technically not yours. If requested, then you must return them to state officials.

Bill Slavery = Everyone is responsible for their own household. However, managing money and bills at home is the same as managing a business but with less accounting technicality. Unless your parents are aware or wealthy then you will not learn about managing money and bills. They don’t teach this in elementary schools, middle schools, or high schools so everyone agrees to go to college for a better education but if you’re not going for the correct field then you still will miss out on this valuable information. As you may know, by then it will be too late and you will be diving into Debt Slavery because your behind on bills which means you need to work more so now you’re in Time Slavery and the cycle never ends! You think you’re getting ahead and wonder why you may never reach great heights.

The System Slavery : This is a Slavery System so powerful that millions of people are unaware. This is Mind, Time, Debt, and Bill Slavery times 10,000. A system controlled by our government, banking, and resources such as food, oil, health, or any other main factor dealing with our economy. The overall goal is to limit one capability to expand or rise above greatest. You can’t control it all but you do have control over your decisions and now you know the cold truth.

So lets make this year and every year after..Financially Different!!!

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